
Showing posts from October, 2022


This post started as a caption for a photo on Instagram. As a member of the overthinking club, I was about to sit on this for a while but decided to post whatever I wrote.  I sometimes fall into the rat hole of perfectionism, especially in my non-professional life. I think, talk, and dream of the idea but because my work in progress is not “perfectly perfect”, I may delay executing it.  I have come to realize that in life, some people are starters, some are builders, some are scalers, and some are closers. Some people have  a healthy mix of everything, and it is ok if you are not one of them. Acknowledge it,  i dentify where you fall, and surround yourself with people who can help you execute the idea.  When I started my blog, I used to write whatever came to mind, but as I grew, I wanted something that would inspire me and others reading it. Many people may not know that I had a short-lived photography blog, but I closed it down because I was not sure my work was “ready” to be seen, f