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This post started as a caption for a photo on Instagram. As a member of the overthinking club, I was about to sit on this for a while but decided to post whatever I wrote.  I sometimes fall into the rat hole of perfectionism, especially in my non-professional life. I think, talk, and dream of the idea but because my work in progress is not “perfectly perfect”, I may delay executing it.  I have come to realize that in life, some people are starters, some are builders, some are scalers, and some are closers. Some people have  a healthy mix of everything, and it is ok if you are not one of them. Acknowledge it,  i dentify where you fall, and surround yourself with people who can help you execute the idea.  When I started my blog, I used to write whatever came to mind, but as I grew, I wanted something that would inspire me and others reading it. Many people may not know that I had a short-lived photography blog, but I closed it down because I was not sure my work was “ready” to be seen, f

Nakumbuka wewe

Do you remember them? Those that left. I still remember them. I hate to admit I have forgotten some names. But I remember something about them.   My earliest memory was in primary school. She was my classmate's younger sister. I remember her.   She lived down the road.   She was my childhood best friend's "street daughter." I remember her. I remember him. He lived a street away from me. He was a nice person and always smiling. His older brother is friends with my folks, so I remember him.   I remember his burial. I never met him, but I met one of his daughters. We were at NYSC camp together. Witnessing his burial humbled me. My brain could not process how he did not scream or push back when lowered to the ground. How could I ever forget her? She was my indomie eating partner. She was the coolest grandma ever! My grandma. She birthed my fave.  She always tried to ensure I did not get home late after visiting her. Whatever you give her, she would always give some out. A