Tuesday it was; the cross over finally happened. I can’t remember the last time I stayed up to usher in the New Year. When I was much younger, I used to shower at 11.50pm on 31st December. Old things have passed away.   Last year on 31st December, I fell asleep while alternating between CSI: NY and The Return Of Jenifer (TROJ).

Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!, it is not my birthday naw, why is my phone ringing at mid night. I struggled to get out of bed to pick it; it was my older brother wishing me Happy New Year. I went back to bed immediately.

As usual, I woke up to loads of sms and blackberry messages. I don’t make New Year resolution, I just have a to do list. Guess I am not the only one that doesn’t make New Year Resolution, even PHCN doesn’t. They blinked light at 6.46pm.

There are loads of things to look forward to in 2013
·         Don’t lose hope; God can bless you with the fruit of the womb.
·         Your child struggling with WASSCE can pass if you understand her challenges and find ways to support her.
·         He might propose this year
·         The university admission might come this year
·         You might great promoted, change jobs etc..
The possibility of this year is endless. Yesterday is past, Today is the present that will be written in tomorrow’s history  as past, you have the ability to do something positive today…..
Just in case you don't get 2013 Calendar from anyone, you can reuse that of 2002, 1991, 1985, 1974, 1963, 1957, 1946, 1935, 1929 and 1918


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